Spiritual Healing

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing is an umbrella term for a range of healing approaches that work with divine energy or the sacred to promote well-being, balance, and transformation. Each path within spiritual healing may draw from different traditions and philosophies, yet they all share a common goal: restoring harmony within an individual by connecting them to the spiritual dimension of life. Dr. Geoff’s practice is rooted in this understanding, combining shamanic traditions with a Christian perspective.

From an inter-religious viewpoint, Dr. Geoff recognises that many of the practices in shamanism are mirrored in faith-based healing across various religions. For example, the use of sacred smoke in shamanic cultures is similar to the use of incense in religious ceremonies, and songs or chants in spiritual traditions resonate with the prayers and hymns used in Christian worship. By acknowledging these shared elements, Dr. Geoff integrates shamanic techniques—such as sacred smoke, song, and ritual—within a Christian framework, creating a spiritual healing experience that is both grounded in an appreciation of nature yet deeply rooted in faith. This approach allows for a holistic, faith-centered healing process that connects clients with divine energy in a way that suitable for religious and non-religious persons.

A Case Study Of Stress and Burnout Treated With Spritual Healing & Psychotherapy

“I am a big believer in talking through issues & problems, however I am also acutely aware that for me anyway, talking only gets me so far. I have a more deep rooted connection to my problems that can only be broken by a more spiritual and holistic approach.

Dr Geoff made me feel comfortable immediately & I felt I could be open and honest without judgement. The energy healing sessions is where I really made my breakthroughs. These healings were incredible. I could feel the negativity & emotions attached to certain experiences literally break up as Geoff was performing the healings and felt fresh & full on energy at each completion. I connected to greater things during these sessions. This then allowed further progress through meditation & gratitude practice allowing me to let go of the things that were affecting me and also the deeper ones I was holding onto

I first went in to see Geoff as a major drinker of alcohol (as a stress reliever), and a very depressed and anxious person overall feeling pretty battered & broken. I am now an extremely happy person day to day, I only drink on social occasions & no longer feel that addiction and the grip it had on me, I am off all medications for anxiety & depression & am following my passions in both a new job and through music.

Dr Geoff’s skills and advice kept working long after the sessions were completed & I was able to continue my journey to health well after I had stopped the sessions through what I had learnt.”


To me Dr Geoff is a profound healer. His intuitive and energised healing, his insightful channeled messages, have helped me so much emotionally, and spiritually to bring me out of some deep traumatic cloud and start working toward a bright life experience. Hereby I sincere thank you Dr Geoff, of your kindness and inspirational work.”


During a spiritual healing session, Dr. Geoff uses prayer, song, drumming, incense, and the laying of hands to clear unnecessary energy and promote balance.

His sessions often have a “shamanic” flavor, exploring psychological processes through archetypal symbolism. For example, an eagle may symbolize a connection with higher spiritual wisdom or God, a horse might represent personal power and freedom, and an angel could signify divine love and support. These symbols are not tied to any specific religious belief but help clients explore their inner journeys on a deeper level. 

Though Dr. Geoff’s healing is rooted in Christian spirituality, he is not an ordained priest or minister. As a layperson, he offers prayer and spiritual healing as a conduit for God’s energy, always recommending that individuals consult their pastoral workers for formal spiritual guidance. His aim is to complement—not replace—the support provided by clergy, offering a healing space aligned with Christian faith and broader spiritual practices.

Email to arrange an appointment

*Dr Geoff Lyons holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He is not a registered psychologist with the Australian Heath Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) nor is he qualified to practice as a clinical psychologist. His opinions do not represent any institution or organisation he may be associated with. His services are not suitable for people with psychiatric illness and are not a substitute for the care provided by a registered health practitioner.