Dr Geoff Lyons

PhD (Clin Psych), BSc (Hon), Grad Cert (Data Sc), Dip (Clin Hyp & NLP)

Yogic scriptures tell us that the world is maya (“illusion”), various indigenous traditions teach of a spiritual reality more real than our physical world, and Christ told us that his kingdom is not of this world.

My mission is to help people using an integration of spiritual healing, energetics and human psychology. To educate people on spirituality and energetics and help them strengthen their connection with the divine and evolve. 

Here’s my journey: I’ve always been spiritual and attuned to energies. I have a Christian background, however, I also have explored spirituality more broadly. I became a meditation and yoga teacher then studied clinical psychology and then shamanistic spirituality and energy healing. While many Christians would say an exploration of alternative spiritualities is inappropriate, for me it has only strengthened my relationship with God (i.e. Spirit). I believe there are many people in the community who feel the same way.

I completed a PhD in clinical psychology specializing in spirituality and mental health. I then worked in palliative care and my own private integrative psychology clinic. At the same time, I also worked as an academic, teaching counselling and clinical psychology at universities while researching various complementary therapies. I still work as an academic teaching counselling and psychotherapy and conducting my research.

In time I began exploring energy healing and spiritual healing and integrating these modalities into my clinical psychology sessions. There are strict mandates on what therapies psychologists can and cannot use and how they present themself in public, so I was very cautious of exploring these modalities in a professional and safe way. Soon my clients began finding value in my energy healings. People reported relief from chronic pain, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, and more. I also was collecting my own data and both my data and my clients’ feedback indicated that the spiritual energetics was helping. It helped reduce stress, calm the mind and restore the body.

“Dr Geoff has been such a wonderful support for me over the years. His experience and understanding of spiritual healing is absolutely fantastic and he’s extremely professional when he practices the methods he has mastered. I have been fortunate enough to have several healing sessions with Geoff and during these sessions I have experienced the positive mental and physical impacts of his practices. I would highly recommend anyone looking for more than just psychology to reach out to Geoff for spiritual healing.”


Despite the positive feedback from clients and the fact that I was actively engaged in research, my attempts to merge clinical psychology with spirituality and energetics was met with strong resistance. In time I accepted that I could never openly explore, offer, and share my interests in healing as a psychologist. 

I voluntarily deregistered so that I was no longer a psychologist, which enabled me to fully embrace and transparently pursue my passion for healing.

Now, I offer my unique healing approach to those seeking holistic wellness solutions. People who work with me tend to see the value of science and medicine but also recognise the importance of natural healing, traditional values, and the divine.

I support individuals who are free from serious mental illness but still dealing with life stress and wanting both professional but also spirit-led support.

Through our work together, your energy will flow differently as we remove blockages and refine your connection with God.

Your body will release stress and trapped emotions, allowing you to enjoy healthy habits again, and your mind will become more flexible as your understanding of life and relationships grow.

Ultimately, this journey leads to a deeper self-understanding and a more authentic, rewarding connection with friends, loved ones, and purpose

“I came to see Dr Lyons with crippling anxiety and panic attacks. Dr Lyons combined cognitive behavioural therapy with spiritual healing. I cannot recommend the healing treatment enough. It has immediate results that last for several days. It makes me feel so relaxed, grounded, centred and at peace. It also gives me mental clarity which in turn allows me to take control of my anxious thinking. I believe Dr Lyons has a spiritual gift. I can literally feel a warmth radiating from his hands. Anywhere he places his hands I can feel this healing warmth coming from them into my body. It’s instant heat. A relaxing heat. It restores my mind, body and soul.

I believe his treatments can help anyone. My anxiety had become crippling, I had completely stopped attending social functions out of fear and intense anxiety. My anxiety has decreased so much and is now very manageable. I’m socialising again. I’m back at church. The healing treatments stop negative thinking patterns, I feel renewed and refreshed. Friends and family have told me that I look more confident. I look forward to every session with Dr Lyons and feel so grateful to him.”


*Dr Geoff Lyons holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He is not a registered psychologist with the Australian Heath Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) nor is he qualified to practice as a clinical psychologist. His opinions do not represent any institution or organisation he may be associated with. His services are not suitable for people with psychiatric illness and are not a substitute for the care provided by a registered health practitioner.