Stressed? Burnt out? Fatigued?

Holistic Healing for the Modern Spiritual Seeker

Data Driven, Spirit Led Healing

Dr Geoff Lyons helps holistically minded professionals who are reluctant to engage with “mainstream” wellness professionals but also cautious of new age “woo woo” healers, reduce their stress and navigate their life using a combination of spiritual energetics, hypnotherapy and science.

Dr Geoff practices a holistic and integrative approach to wellness that works with the mind, body, energy and Spirit.

Unlike many modern psychotherapies that avoid spirituality, Geoff’s process places a person’s connection with God (aka Spirit) as the central element of change, but in a sensible and grounded manner. Dr Geoff is an academic as well as a Healer and his approach is data driven but also spirit led.

The Holistic Healing process is a four stage stress-relief approach that helps people with various life challenges, which can include things like stress, worry, fatigue, burnout, chronic pain. Ultimately though, the approach is about recognising these challenges as stages in a person’s spiritual development.

Intuition, spiritual healing, hypnosis and counselling are combined with Yogic psychology, Yogic breathwork, and meditation practices to calm the mind, body, energy and spirit.

If you’re seeking a sensible, holistic, approach to wellness, Dr Geoff is here to guide you. 

Get in touch now to start start your healing journey.

Looking for something holistic?

Don't quite fit the medical model?

Need support that is spiritual but also sensible?

Let your Spirit be stronger than your fears

“After my cancer relapse in 2019, my life completely changed….it was a very different experience from how I survived cancer ten years previously. Due to physical disability, chronic pain, and inability to return to work, my life became a struggle. Some days I did not think I would make it, I was physically and emotionally drained, but Geoff saved me!  He is not only an exceptional practitioner but a very caring human being.

Through a combination of psychology and healing, I felt I was able to “reset” and heal my soul. I don’t think I have ever experienced anything like this.  I cannot explain how it works, but it does.  I believe it is a reason I am living today.”


Healing from Chronic Pain, Stress, and Trauma

In this powerful testimonial, hear firsthand from a gentleman who faced chronic pain, overwhelming stress, and deep-seated trauma. After exhausting all the options mainstream doctors and psychologists had to offer—with little to no relief—he found something different.

Stress & Burnout

Professionals who are stressed or burnt out respond well to holistic healing. Spiritual energetics shifts the body and mind into a relaxed state that clears the stress, emotions and unecessary energy.

Meditation Training

Meditation courses are commonly held for people wanting to learn to calm their mind, energy and spirit. A few weeks of regular meditation practice combined with holistic healing can help with a range of problems.

Heal the healer

Wellness professionals need to heal & protect themselves. An awkward but necessary topic, Dr Geoff has direct experience with the dark forces that some mentally unstable people and toxic workplaces attract.  

Health Concerns

People with cancer autoimmune conditions and chronic pain often engage with Dr Geoff’s holistic healing. The combination of hypnotherapy and energetics helps clear their energy, and calm their symptoms.

Creative blockages

Creative people tend to have a strong attunement with emotions and energy, which is why spiritual energetics is excellent for addressing creative blocks and maximising flow.

Make An Appointment

0438 987 578

“I had such a life changing experience after a shamanic healing session with Geoff. Through the use of various healing techniques I felt bad energy leaving my stomach and also around the top of the head. I couldn’t wait to tell people about my experience, thanks Geoff for clearing out some blockages I had in relation to starting my own business.

If your skeptical, just go and try it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”


Spiritual & Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is “earth medicine”. A spiritual practice rooted in nature and tribal values. Originating from the Tungus people of Siberia, “shamanism” means “to know,” referring to their healing seers. 

Today, “shamanic healing” encompasses practices like sacred smoke, medicine drums, prayer, and rituals to engage with spiritual forces. Shamanic healing uniquely addresses the consciousness in all entities, including emotional and physical issues, acknowledging spiritual influences in health. 

Dr Geoff offers sessions that blend traditional shamanic elements with a broader spiritual approach for deeper healing.

Meditation & Yoga

Meditation and yoga training prepare the body for the reception of healing energies. These practices cultivate a still yet focused mind that is better attuned to Spirit. Dr Geoff integrates Yogic psychology into his healing work, cherishing the ancient wisdom contained in its teachings.

Regular classes and beginners courses are routinely offered to all Dr Geoff’s consulting clients.

*Dr Geoff Lyons holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He is not a registered psychologist with the Australian Heath Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). His opinions do not represent any institution or organisation he may be associated with. His services are not suitable for people with psychiatric illness and are not a substitute for the care provided by a registered health practitioner.